It’s Not Cool to Write Happy Birthday on Facebook Anymore

Remember when wishing your friend happy birthday on Facebook was cool?  Well, it isn’t anymore.  Below is a breakdown of friends who wished me happy brithday from 2007 until now:

  • 2019 – 9 friends
  • 2018 – 15 friends
  • 2017 – 18 friends
  • 2016 – 30 friends
  • 2015 – 44 friends
  • 2014 – 35 friends
  • 2013 – 32 friends
  • 2012 – 50 friends
  • 2011 – 67 friends
  • 2010 – 60 friends
  • 2009 – 11 friends
  • 2008 – Don’t even see anything on my timeline for my birthday… wtf?
  • 2007 – 3 friends (but one super hot chick)

I get it, Facebook isn’t really that cool anymore.  But damn, it does feel a little nice when everyone’s posting happy birthday on your timeline.  Maybe next year I’ll have a slight uptick and hit double digits again.

UCLA Basketball Might Suck In 2019-20 But This Still Happened

The Pac-12 2019-20 preseason basketball poll came out last week and UCLA is projected to finish 8th this year.  pac-12-preseason-projection.PNG

It really pisses me off that USC is projected to finish higher than UCLA but it’s a new year, new coach, and the expectations just aren’t there.  Mick was able to secure a commitment from five star PG Daishen Nix for next year but the current UCLA squad doesn’t have a superstar and could really struggle offensively with no real playmakers.  Instead of worrying and getting frustrated before the season even starts… here’s five plays that will help you still feel good about UCLA basketball.

5. Bryce Alford Burying a Game Winning 3 Against Arizona

4. Josh Shipp’s Behind the Backboard Game Winner

3. Russell Westbrook Throws Down HUGE Dunks

2. Baron Davis Around the Back Dunk (Maybe the greatest play ever in college basketball… not biased)

1. Tyus Edney Putting the Team on His Back With 4.8 Seconds Left


UCLA vs. Gonzaga in 2006 is the Greatest Basketball Comeback EVER

Once or twice a year I get the urge to watch the replay of UCLA & Gonzaga’s 2006 Sweet 16 matchup.  HOLY SHIT, this game was insane and has to go down as the greatest comebacks in college basketball history.  We have UCLA, the #2 seed, stacked with NBA talent (Arron Afflalo, Jordan Farmar, Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, Ryan Hollins, & Darren Collison) vs. Gonzaga, the #3 seed led by Adam Morrison (averaged 28.1 pts a fucking game).

UCLA was down 17 points in the first half and 13 points with 7 minutes left in the 2nd half.  SHIT, UCLA was down 5 points with 1 minute left to play and still won this game.  Gus Johnson on the call makes it electric.

Adam Morrison crying after the game would have been meme central on Twitter.


And to see the full comeback from the 2nd half is worth wasting 20 more minutes of your life..