What’s The Play? My “Friend” Tried To Buy Me A Drink With My Girlfriend’s Money At A Vegas Pool Party…

Yeah you read that headline right… this summer I was in Vegas for the World Series of Poker.  My girlfriend came along for the ride and we had some friends also visiting that were going to a pool party on the 4th of July.  We had both never been but decided to stop by for a couple hours just to say hi and hangout for a bit.  I mean come on?  Doesn’t this look HELLA FUN?


I should have just turned around when they wouldn’t let me wear my UCLA basketball jersey in.. but instead we rolled with the punches and paid the $50 cover to get in.

Our friends had bought a locker to put their wallets/shirts/etc. in and sent us the number/code so that we could put our stuff in it.  I was playing poker the next day and decided to just sip on a drink while we were there.  Here’s where SHIT gets interesting.  We meet up with our friends and they’re pretty hammered.  I’m talking to my one buddy and he’s talking his same ole SHIT about Damian Lillard being infinite times better than Russell Westbrook.  But then a curveball, he asks if I want a drink.  Do I want you to buy me a drink?  At a Vegas Pool Party??  FUCK yes I want you to pay $30 for a Vodka Soda for me.  I follow him to the lockers (located right next to the bar) and he pulls out his wallet.


We get up to the bar and he orders and starts to pay… but then I notice he has my girlfriend’s wallet and he’s paying with HER MONEY.

Me: “DUDE.. wtf that’s my girlfriends wallet”


Me: “Yeah… cause she just put it there 10 minutes ago”


WTF??!  So he doesn’t have any money on him and now the bartender is waiting for him to pay… and I GET STUCK WITH THE FUCKING BILL.  Is this some next level SHIT to get a free drink??  Or is he just an idiot n00b that can’t be trusted?

What’s the fucking play here if it happened to you?

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